Web Release Notes

Web 2.0.4

August 29, 2024

This release includes a new offers page to surface special deals on an OuterSpatial license for events, a "Sort by" control on the communities page, and the ability for visitors to update their profile photo. It also includes a number of fixes to improve your experience using the website.


  • (Re)implement an offers page to surface deals and discounts on an OuterSpatial license for events.


  • Add a "Sort by" control to the communities page.
  • Give visitors the ability to update their profile photo.


  • Ensure quick filters show up in explore for parent organizations, when only child organizations are part of a community.
  • The "Explore the Map" button on location pages sometimes opens the explore page for a child organization when it should always open the parent organization page.
  • Time formatting for post cards should not use a preceding zero for single digit hours.
  • Address an issue that was causing users to get logged out when navigating to certain pages.

Web 2.0.3

August 23, 2024

This release includes age verification for account creation and a parental/guardian approval process for users under 13 years of age, support for multiple area destinations in the "Get Directions" tool, and context aware search for web maps. It also includes updates and fixes to improve your experience using the website.


  • Implement age verification for account creation and a parental/guardian approval process for users under 13 years of age.
  • Add support for multiple area destinations in the "Get Directions" tool.
  • Support adding context aware search to web maps, and implement on community/organization explore maps.


  • Support opening a post image in the gallery.
  • Update post date/time formatting to improve readability.
  • Surface a map preview in report post cards for reports that have a map point.
  • If an organization has a parent organization, use the parent's name and logo for display.
  • Handle passing a selected feature to the explore map.
  • Change how we generate URLs using id and slug for location pages.
  • Ensure engagement analytics are captured consistently to help us improve the website.
  • Add more detail to page titles.
  • Improve meta tags for pages throughout the site.


  • Address an issue with the image gallery showing incorrect attribution for images.
  • The top part of community badges are cut off in the "Communities" card.
  • Clicking on a part of the export map that doesn't have a feature should hide the feature card.
  • Fix the meta image for the home page.
  • Implement a new "Sort by Location" query for the organizations tab on the community page.
  • Ensure only the tab areas refresh when switching between tabs on the community page.
  • Fix an issue with sharing a post.
  • Resolve an issue on the trail page that caused problems with the breadcrumb, share tool, and more.
  • Fix an issue with the desktop URL for deep links.
  • Clicking on "Explore the Map" from an organization page errors out.
  • Fix an issue related to community id not being added to deep links.
  • Set the feature property for deep links to reflect where the deep link was created.
  • After logging in, take the user back to the page they were on before logging in.
  • Address an issue with URL generation for location cards on the home page.
  • Fix an issue with id/slug parsing for location pages.
  • Ensure caption and attribution are displayed for images in the gallery.
  • Address some styling issues for the new Explore quick filter buttons.

Web 2.0.2

July 31, 2024

This release includes new quick filters and an updated hash control for explore maps, a gallery for page banners, a "What's New" carousel on the home page, and more.


  • Implement quick filters for explore maps.
  • Update the map hash control to accept and use four bounding lat/lng coordinates.
  • Implement a gallery for page banners when more than one image is available.
  • Add a "What's New "carousel to the home page to highlight the latest blog posts.
  • Display "Additional Information" sections on location pages, if available.
  • Display a "Documents" section on location pages, if available.
  • Add an "Explore the Map" button to location detail maps, and use it to cross-link into the explore map.


  • Rename "Favorites" to "Saved" and "Favorite" to "Save".
  • Update location detail maps to show more parent/child/sibling location context.


  • Update the formatting of "Get Directions" labels on location pages.
  • Fix issue with date/time formatting throughout the website.
  • Address an issue that caused the "Community > Challenges" tab to error out.
  • Sitemap files should "paginate" if more than 50,000 URLs are available.
  • "Hosted by" text on the challenge page is formatted incorrectly.
  • Ensure the viewport does not scroll horizontally on mobile devices.
  • The article carousel doesn't page articles correctly.
  • Long document names should wrap.
  • Fix an issue that prevented community_id from being passed to engagement analytics, when available.

Web 2.0.1

July 31, 2024

This release includes work on maps throughout the website and updates/fixes to improve your experience using the website.


  • Migrate the outerspatial-map module to a new component within the larger monorepo.


  • Ensure blog posts get added to the sitemap.
  • Ensure images optimized by the image CDN are not optimized again by the web platform.


  • Add the community name and link to a page's breadcrumb if the community slug is passed in via the URL query string.
  • Ensure the community slug in the URL query string persists between pages.
  • Address timezone conversion issues for date/times.
  • The Help Scout button displays over the app banner button on mobile devices.
  • Showing/hiding the right sidebar navigation causes the page content to jump.
  • Comments do not show up on post detail pages.
  • URLs in the "Contact Information" card runs over the right edge.
  • The current user query runs even if the user is not logged in.
  • Pagination controls do not show up for the organizations page on initial load.
  • Do not round community badge images.
  • Trail parent area information displays incorrectly.
  • Address an issue that caused posts to not load properly on organization pages.

Web 2.0.0

May 22, 2024

This is a complete rebuild of the website to improve performance, stability, and usability. This release establishes a solid foundation for a lot of new functionality that's coming soon.

Web 1.3.7

March 27 2024

This release introduces a new "Me" page that includes the ability to update your profile and view your favorited organizations/locations, posts, and challenges. It also includes some performance improvements and bug fixes.


  • Add a new "Me" page that includes the ability to update your profile and view your favorited organizations/locations, posts, and challenges.

Web 1.3.6

March 12, 2024

This release updates an internal framework to improve performance and stability.

Web 1.3.5

March 12, 2024

This release includes bug fixes.


  • The page title on the home page is incorrect.

Web 1.3.4

March 12, 2024

This release includes bug fixes.


  • Fix badge images on the communities page.
  • Implement page meta tags.

Web 1.3.3

March 11, 2024

This release includes the ability to favorite/unfavorite organizations and locations, as well as a number of bug fixes.


  • You can now favorite/unfavorite organizations and locations!


  • View content events are not captured properly.
  • Page metadata is not setup properly.
  • Address some update issues with the communities page.
  • Switch error to global error handler.

Web 1.3.2

March 11, 2024

This release includes bug fixes and minor enhancements.


  • Migrate all posts queries to a new approach to improve performance.


  • The "Donate" button on the organization page should have a white background.
  • Resolve an issue that was causing crashes on older Android-based web browsers.

Web 1.3.1

March 10, 2024

This release includes bug fixes.

Web 1.3.0

March 10, 2024

This release includes a major internal technology update to improve the performance and stability of the website.


  • Implement a major internal technology update to improve the performance and stability of the website.


  • Clean up grid styling on organization and location pages.

Web 1.2.1

February 13, 2024


  • Surface ratings on location detail pages and in Social feeds.
  • Introduce a change email tool.


  • Add an additional line of detail to post cards to surface more detailed location information.
  • Add the location validated checkmark to check-in post cards.
  • Start loading all images from an optimized image service to improve performance and usability.


  • The help button in the bottom, right-hand corner of each page shows up on top of the app banner on mobile viewports.

Web 1.2.0

July 12, 2023


  • Implement new sidebar navigation and a global search tool.
  • Add a social tab, a list of tasks, and — if available — a preview map to the challenge page.
  • Add latitude and longitude to all location pages.
  • Add what3words to point of interest pages.
  • Add "Create" and "Report" calls to action to all location pages.
  • Implement a new "Offers" page to distribute coupon codes for special events.
  • Add a "Reserve Now" call to action to location pages that are reservable in the Tyler Outdoors system.


  • Redesign challenge cards.
  • Start loading images through a new service to improve performance and presentation.
  • Make the challenge name clickable in post cards.
  • Add a mobile app banner to challenge pages.
  • Add a fullscreen option to maps throughout the website.
  • Add support for private communities.


  • A gallery image cannot be opened in full screen if there's only one image available.
  • Bulletin board items are not loading properly on community pages.
  • Users are logged out incorrectly.

Web 1.1.10

February 19, 2023


  • Add a hash control to track and restore the position of Explore maps after a fresh page load.
  • Add "Copy to Clipboard" and ability to share to Facebook and Twitter to the share modal.


  • Take out support for outing display length now that it is no longer supported.
  • Add tags and accessibility description to outing pages.


  • The subtitle on point of interest pages should be "Point of Interest" not "Point Of Interest".
  • Clean up issues with "Nearby Locations" carousel on the home page.

Web 1.1.9

February 16, 2023

This release includes fixes for a few issues introduced in the 1.1.8 release.

Web 1.1.8

February 16, 2023

This release includes improvements to the home page — including a new search tool and improved community sorting by location, a new organization Explore map, and a number of smaller improvements and fixes.


  • Add a search tool to the home page.
  • Add new organization Explore maps.


  • Surface parent area information in the subtitle on outing pages.


  • Resolve issues related to community sorting by location on the home page.

Web 1.1.7

February 8, 2023

This release includes elevation charts on trail pages, new interactive maps on community, organization, and location (area, trail, point of interest, and outing) pages, and a host of bug fixes.


  • Add interactive maps to community, organization, and location pages.
  • Surface elevation charts to trail pages.
  • Highlight trail tags that only apply to a portion of the trail.


  • Start implementing "parent organization" support for organizations.
  • Support slugs for organizations, areas, trails, points of interest, and outings.
  • Add a loading indicator for the Bulletin Board section on community pages.
  • Improve page loading performance by taking deep link generation out of rendering.


  • Label for trail and outing "Distance" section incorrectly formatted.
  • Clicking on challenge cards on community pages does not properly preserve the community slug in the URL.

Web 1.1.6

May 25, 2022

This release fixes some bugs and cleans up some basic analytics to ensure the infrastructure's in place to support future improvements.


  • Updated to Next.js 12.1.
  • Clean up basic analytics.


  • Increase GraphQL query timeout to resolve issues with a few long-running queries.
  • Clean up history breadcrumbs on location pages.

Web 1.1.5

February 22, 2022

This release contains bug fixes and stability improvements.

Web 1.1.4

February 18, 2022


  • Fixed an internal issue to ensure only correct deep link follows get captured.

Web 1.1.3

February 17, 2022


  • Enhance some internal functionality to ensure organization campaign analytics are accurate.


  • Resolve an issue that was causing some outing page loads to fail.

Web 1.1.2

January 28, 2022


  • Implemented sign up/log in.


  • Posts associated with challenges now show the challenge name in the post card.
  • Support bulletin board items linked to organizations, challenges, and posts.

Web 1.1.1

January 4, 2022


  • Migrated the website to pull in the new OuterSpatial map component from a private NPM package.

Web 1.1.0

January 4, 2022


  • Develop a shared OuterSpatial map component.


  • Update Tailwind CSS to v3.


  • Home page errors out when IP geolocation fails.

Web 1.0.7

November 24, 2021


  • Update to Next.js 12.


  • Fix horizontal spacing of footer text on small screens.
  • Resolve an issue that was causing some outing pages to error out.
  • Organization posts should only load if/when the social modal is shown.
  • Fix vertical spacing in post cards on small screens.
  • Address an issue that was causing events to sort improperly in some instances.

Web 1.0.6

October 14, 2021


  • Address a performance issue related to fetching organization posts.

Web 1.0.5

September 22, 2021


  • Added caching to frequently-used queries to improve performance.

Web 1.0.4

September 20, 2021


  • Home page errors out when loaded in some locations.

Web 1.0.3

September 17, 2021


  • Preparation to support "Archived" locations.
  • Make the images in the "Locations Near You" carousel on home screen clickable.


  • Bread crumb on communities page uses incorrect path.

Web 1.0.2

September 9, 2021


  • Add the "Locations Near You" section to the home page.


  • Challenge cards on organization pages not clickable.

Web 1.0.1

August 25, 2021


  • Colored backgrounds not showing up in "Explore OuterSpatial" cards on home page.
  • Community parameter appended to links in bulletin board, article, and event cards on organization pages even if no community is available in the current context.

Web 1.0.0

August 23, 2021


  • Implement /areas, /articles, /challenges, /events, /outings, /points-of-interest, and /trails pages.
  • Add an "Explore OuterSpatial" section to the home page.


  • Support passing community in to /posts page.
  • All pages that accept a community parameter should accept both "slug" and "id".


  • Update the style for modals to address some minor design issues.

Web 0.8.3

August 9, 2021


  • Add a paginated list of all posts, filterable by passing in a community query parameter, to the /posts page.


  • Make it possible to close a modal by clicking on the modal page background.
  • Make all product update posts, including for Manager, iOS, and Android, available in the sitemap and post details pages.
  • Add "Unverified" text throughout the website for organizations that have not been claimed.


  • Call to Action buttons on the organization pages should be the same height.

Web 0.8.2

August 3, 2021


  • Add a "Social" button to organization and location (area, point of interest, outing, and trail) pages.
  • Display comments on the post detail page.
  • Add an overview map to location (area, point of interest, outing, and trail) pages.

Web 0.8.1

July 29, 2021


  • Support passing the community to the new /posts{slug} page.
  • Clicking in a post cell in the posts list should open the /posts/{slug} page.


  • Filter out "private" challenges.

Web 0.8.0

July 26, 2021


  • Add a new /posts section to the root of the website.
  • Create a new /community/{slug}/posts page and add a "Social" button to community pages.


  • Give the app CTA section at the bottom of the home page more vertical breathing room.

Web 0.7.3

July 13, 2021


  1. Bug fix related to analytics.

Web 0.7.2

July 9, 2021


  1. Add a horizontal rule about the "Related Locations" section in organization pages.


  1. "Count text" in article, event, etc. carousels should display singular if only one item is present.
  2. Clean up unordered and ordered list styling throughout the site.

Web 0.7.1

July 8, 2021


  1. Implement challenge pages.
  2. Add articles to organization pages.
  3. Add events to organization pages.
  4. Add challenges to organization pages.
  5. Add support for archived and draft articles.


  1. Events not sorting chronologically in carousels.
  2. Breadcrumbs implemented inconsistently throughout the website.
  3. Images attached to a location but not explicitly set to show in the website showing up incorrectly.
  4. Mobile design fixes for the home page.

Web 0.7.0

June 17, 2021


  1. Add a call to action banner to pages when a deep link is followed while on desktop to push visitors to mobile.


  1. Give visitors the ability to share a page via SMS message.
  2. Implement improved error logging.
  3. Improve loading time and performance on community and organization pages.
  4. Add some "breathing room" at the bottom of the home page to improve legibility.


  1. Do not show "private" challenges.
  2. Resolve an issue that was preventing some pages from loading properly.
  3. Bottom app banner does not always stay properly "pinned".
  4. If there's only one "Related Locations" card, it should not expand to fill the entire carousel.
  5. 404 page showing up for records that actually exist.
  6. Cleanup word wrapping for titles on some pages.

Web 0.6.4

May 3, 2021


  1. Implement pagination for location lists on organization pages and explore pages.
  2. Publish an RSS feed for the blog and add to page headers site wide.


  1. Add better error handling to ensure page queries don't get passed to server with invalid parameters.
  2. Show the 404 page when a query for a page returns zero results.


  1. Fix an issue causing Branch link generation to fail for some pages that have invalid characters in the "image" or "name" parameters.
  2. Name of locations do not wrap correctly on mobile (small) screens.

Web 0.6.3

April 20, 2021


  1. Show the 500 error page when an error occurs on a page rather than the red banner with an error message.
  2. Links in the LocationSection component should pass the community parameter in the URL.

Web 0.6.2

April 16, 2021


  1. Add a "Communities Near You" section to the home page.


  1. Do not return pages if the requested record is not part of a community.
  2. Take records that are not part of a community out of all indexes and sitemaps.
  3. More work to pass the community context, via URLs, from different pages.
  4. Make images in Related Location cards clickable.


  1. Some valid outing pages error out.
  2. The organization logo image on event cards with long titles sometimes "warp".
  3. Some valid article pages error out.

Web 0.6.1

April 12, 2021


  1. Publish Privacy Policy and Terms of Service pages.
  2. Implement 404 and 500 pages.


  1. Update all links to "root" pages to pass the community context in via the URL.
  2. Make images in Bulletin Board, Event, Article, and Product Update cards clickable.


  1. Add pointer cursor to App Store and Google Play images at bottom of home page.
  2. Update background image at bottom of home page to remove rendering artifact.

Web 0.6.0

April 2, 2021


  1. First iteration of the new Home page design.


  1. Hook up the ability to sort organizations by "Your Location" in community pages.
  2. Update Next.js to 10.1.


  1. Unordered lists coming down for descriptions not rendering properly.
  2. Some point of interest pages do not load because of an internal error.

Web 0.5.1

March 24, 2021


  1. Update deep links created via the Share and App Banner components to include the title and image of the shared page and include a URL so the deep links work properly when followed while on a desktop.
  2. Add performance monitoring.


  1. Pages do not load if one or more "Related Location" is included that doesn't have a photo.
  2. Clean up some design elements on the new Community pages.

Web 0.5.0

March 14, 2021


  1. Implement Article pages.
  2. Implement Event pages.

Web 0.4.0

March 10, 2021


  1. Implement full design for Community pages.
  2. Stub in "Community > Explore" page.
  3. Stub in "Community > Social" page.


  1. Move child sitemap files into the appropriate parent directory.

Web 0.3.2

February 25, 2021


  1. Split up server-side sitemaps.


  1. Fixed an issue that was causing trail pages to error out for trails that are not attached to a parent area.

Web 0.3.1

February 24, 2021


  1. Implement new navigation.


  1. Tags on feature pages are not spaced properly in Safari.
  2. Point type missing from the points of interest list on community pages.
  3. Address for some features displaying as JSON string.
  4. "Claim" button is not clickable on feature pages.
  5. Parent area information missing from point of interest feature pages.

Web 0.3.0

February 22, 2021


  1. Implement a new design for Area, Outing, Point of Interest, and Trail pages.


  1. Add Areas, Outings, Points of Interest, and Trails to sitemap to improve search engine optimization.
  2. Add placeholder pages for /areas, /outings, /points-of-interest, and /trails.


  1. Organization call to action buttons not spaced properly in some browsers.
  2. Share modal dialog extends all the way to the edge of the screen in some browsers.

Web 0.2.5

February 17, 2021


  1. Implement the final design for the footer.
  2. Setup a new blog and move posts from the Organizations website over to it.

Web 0.2.4

February 15, 2021


  1. Implement a new "Share" tool on detail pages.


  1. Start using {{slug}}-{{id}} for path for detail pages.

Web 0.2.3

February 14, 2021


  1. Revert to using a custom App Banner when on mobile for now.
  2. Turn off Universal Links for now.

Web 0.2.2

February 13, 2021


  1. Exclude account-related paths from Universal Link handling for Apple.

Web 0.2.1

February 13, 2021


  1. Implement App Banner to help users who are on a mobile device quickly get into the OuterSpatial app.
  2. Design and build detailed Organization page.

Web 0.2.0

February 6, 2021


  1. Build out basic Area, Outing, Point of Interest, and Trail pages.

Web 0.1.0

February 4, 2021

This is the first release of OuterSpatial Web!


  1. Build out basic Communities, Community, Organizations, and Organization pages.
  2. Implement high-level site structure, page layout, typography, and color scheme.
  3. Publish a sitemap.
  4. Setup meta tags to improve discoverability.
  5. Implement redirects to ensure traffic from old site is routed properly.
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